
*내스스로 해보는 필사 해석/ 타이핑*


DAY3)  Dream big 

꿈을 크게

Don't limit yourself. Don't let fear steal your future.

너스스로 제한하지마. 너의 미래를 훔치게 두지마라.

Your possibilities are practically endless.

너의 능력지는 사실상 끝이 없다.

Allow yourself to dream big.

허락하라 너 스스로 꿈을 크게

Step out of your comfort zone.

너의 안전존을 벗어나라

Don't get discouraged by gaps or setbacks - they're all part of the journey. 

낙담하지마라. 격차와 차질에 그 부분은 모두 일부분의 여정이다.

The process is where real blessings and joy life.

그 과정 속에 진정한 축복과 기쁨이 삶에 있다.

Challenge yourself. See how far you can go and enjoy the rids.

스스로 도전하세요. 봐라 얼마나 멀리 갈수있는지와 과정을 즐기는지.



* 모르는/ 헷갈리는 단어*

*practically  - 사실상

*endless - 끝이 없다.

*Don't get discouraged - 낙담하지마라

*setbacks - 격차

* gaps - 차질

* journey.  - 여정(멀리가는 여행)

* enjoy the rids. - 과정을 즐기다.





24/ 06/ 15




Your vision is yours to choose.

If you life were a book, you would decide what chapters and climax to write.

No one can determine what your journey should look like; it's up to you.

Don't let competitors or critics steal the joy of vision.

You don't have to prove anything to anyone.

If your goal is to seek validation, noting will ever be enough.

Just show up for yourself and for the people you deeply care about.



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